Picking Your Knows

Wouldn’t it be great if we had the senses of an animal?  I’ve watched my dogs make fast decisions by perking up their ears, sniffing the air a few times and springing into action (or not).    Oh, if life were that simple?


I’d like to make the spiritual argument that it is…THAT simple!

Most of the time we use our brains to completely complicate things that our hearts and minds are very clear about.    Sometimes the clear choice is ignored because it is inconvenient, too hard or not what we think we want.  What if we did the hard things anyway?  What if the choice on the surface has nothing to do with the lessons, and experiences that come from them?   Some of my best experiences have happened when I just said…”eff it!” and made the leap even when the stakes and fear were high.  Like quitting my job earlier this year after 16 years without another job or prospect.  I twirled it around my brain for more than 3 years…  THREE friggin’ years!  While I believe everything is always in perfect order and that time was required to get me to where I am, I also learned to lean on what I know is right and simply PICK MY KNOWS!

I know what you’re thinking… “this chick is nuts…

..am I supposed to just throw logic out of the window?”  No, of course not.  I’m saying that you should…first of all avoid confusing your wants with your knows.  You are far more likely to find a big juicy booger by blowing your knows and relying on your wants!  For example, many people end up in credit hell, by charging things they want like they’re spending someone else’s money!  In that scenario, they know it’s the wrong thing to do but they do it anyway hollering “YOLO” and living in their car!

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I’ve made poor decisions that I knew were wrong.  I’ve suffered through bad dates, tight finances, ugly paint, terrible contractors (for home renovations), and so much more.  I chose convenience, lower cost, and even the opinions and advice of others over picking my own knows.  Pushing the analogy further… picking someone else’s knows is just gross!  Some people are really good at convincing others that they’re knows are better than our own.  More often these people are our own well-meaning parents, friends, spouses, partners, and even our children.

Why do we second guess what we know for some other kind of brain reliant knowing? Truthfully, my intuition/inner knowing has never steered me wrong, yet I’ve questioned it time and time again and worse yet, I’ve ignored it.  One time I avoided actual gun violence by leaving a perfectly normal situation that didn’t feel right.  In other words, I ignored the annoyance of friends, and just said…”I’m out! and I dipped!  That means I left, exited, bounced, fleed the scene.  Within 30 minutes some nutjob started shooting and this was way before all of the craziness of our shooter infested society!

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Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

I had a conversation recently with a person who is entering a master’s degree program because her father told her that that was the only way to guarantee her future.  I asked, “Is that what YOU KNOW you should do?”  Her response was to explain that her father had never struggled to find a job, whereas her mother who “only”  has a bachelor’s degree struggled to find work at many points in her career.  I was not asked my opinion so I didn’t offer… but this is the epitome of a fear-based decision with a dose of manipulation.  Worse yet a decision based on the fear of others, not even her own!  Furthermore a false fear. I know many people including myself who have had successful careers with bachelor’s degrees. I also know very  sucessful people who have never even thought about college and have achieved outstandingly accomplished careers and businesses.  The funny, yet not so funny thing is that her real interests are very realistic, yet would take work to build.  Why not use the time to pursue what she KNOWS is right for her?  I wonder if her mother’s challenges had anything to do with her father minimizing her “lowly” bachelor’s degree over the years hitting her under the confidence belt?

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Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com

I’m sure his intentions are pure but shouldn’t she put on her big girl pants and move in her own direction picking her own knows?

Even if your KNOWS has a big red rubber ball on it…pick it!

I’ve learned through experience that real KNOWS  are as clear as the nose on your face!  Let’s be more like our paw babies!  Let’s sniff the air through prayer, meditation or whatever your belief system or process is then spring into action (or not)! 

One, two three, let’s do this!

Love, Light, and Knows Picking!



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